PiXL has developed three options to make character development in schools a reality.
- QuickStart (Pre-set) – Allows school to use an ‘off-the-shelf’ character curriculum that covers all the key areas.
- DIY (Flexible) – A Character PLC (personalised learning checklist) that allows schools to target key areas to develop in their school and in individual students.
- Overlay (Complementary) – For school leaders who are happy with their current Character provision, but may wish to accredit students’ progress via the Edge awards.
The aim of all three approaches is to equip students with the skills, knowledge and competencies, distinct from their academic work, that will help them succeed in the future.
Integrated into all three programmes are the following strands:
- LORIC (Leadership, Organisation, Resilience, Initiative and Communication) - the skills that are developed through the Edge programme and through the core Character resources.
- The Edge – is the accreditation of the LORIC attributes. It allows students to develop these skills experientially and provides them with an evidenced record of their achievements.
- PiXL Health and Wellbeing – an expansive suite of resources to help schools build resilience and promote health, mental wellbeing and positive lifestyle choices amongst students. Mental Health Ambassadors Training is also delivered as an additional element of PiXL's wellbeing offer.
- PiXL Orate – Many educators are realising that oracy does not have the status that it should in our schools and these resources have been designed so that non-specialists feel confident in supporting students in their development of crucial verbal communication skills. The Up for Debate programme compliments this programme.
- PiXL Futures – resources to encourage students to think about the potential application of their learning across the curriculum and their options after school, encompassing Higher Education, Apprenticeships and Careers.